The ME71 pressure transmitter uses a capacitance type sensor and modern microprocessor technology. It is ideally suited for measuring positive and negative gage pressure in applications where a high degree of accuracy is required. It is optionally available in versions certified for use in hazardous locations.
The type ME71 pressure transmitter uses a silicon capacitance sensor with a bridge measuring circuit, the output of which changes when the pressure changes. Modern microprocessor technology is used to convert the bridge output to a standard 4-20 mA signal, which permits the measured value to be transmitted over long distances.
A HART interface is also available, using an optional communication module installed in the transmitter. With the HART interface, digitally transmitted pressure measurements, as well as the transmitter’s set-up data can be read very accurately by simply connecting a compatible terminal device at any point along the length of the signal output loop. Also, the terminal device can also be used to re-configure the transmitter’s set-up parameters: locally, or from a remote location.
The ME71 transmitter uses a precision silicon capacitance type pressure sensing element, which is manufactured under stringently controlled condition. This sensor is rugged, resistant to effects of fatigue and overloading, and unaffected by pressure fluctuations. The sensor and microprocessor based signal processing ensure the highest possible accuracy and stability.
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