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Combined motor start and braking devices

Combined Motor Start and Braking Device VBMS

 Combined Motor Start and Braking Device VBMS

Combined Motor Start and Braking Device

Made in Germany

The VBMS series of soft starters series is equipped with comprehensive functions for soft start, motor and system protection and is therefore and system protection, making them ideal for a wide range of motors and applications. The favoured areas of application include pumps and fans.

  • simple motor control with only a few elements
  • motor contactor and DC-brake in a single device
  • suitable for all asynchrohnous motors
  • controlled by microcontroller
  • easy mounting, also for retrofitting into existing plants
  • motor contactor with contact gap 3 mm, utilization category AC-3
  • operator’s controls physically separated from load
  • for snap-mounting onto 35mm top-hat rail
  • degree of protection IP 20
  • intermateable with BRMS
2C000.23020 VBMS 230-1,5/20
2C000.40020 VBMS 400-2,2/20