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Distance measurement


The company Baumer is an international business with a passion for sensor technology, encoders, measuring instruments and components for automated image processing. Through a very strong local presence in 39 subsidiaries and 19 countries, Baumer is able to be close to the customers. The outstanding Baumer quality of the vast portfolio of sensors and instruments keeps the company on the road of success in tough international competition. Various expert juries awarded Baumer with national and international prizes for innovation, design and quality as a token for quality and pioneering spirit.

Sensors BAUMER

Laser sensors

Miniature high-precision distance sensors up to 13 metres for production automation with complex object surface types

Sensors BAUMER

Ultrasonic sensors

Miniature and lightweight sensor design allows measurements in very small spaces of up to 6 metres

Sensors BAUMER

Radar sensors

The smallest radar sensor on the market (M30 housing) with a focused beam of up to 40 m, immune to conditions and contamination

Sensors BAUMER

Inductive sensors

Compact sensors with fully integrated electronics with factory calibrated precision down to the nanometre range

Sensors BAUMER

Linear encoders

Non-contact, wear-free magnetic sensor technology, immune to contamination and resistant to vibration in demanding environments

Sensors BAUMER

Measuring wheel encoders

Programmable incremental encoders used in conjunction with measuring wheels easily detect position and speed